Loving God create in us a fountain of joy, stir in us a spirit ready to dance, kindle in us the fire of gladness, set loose in us songs of praise, for You are the One who comes with healing and blessing. Amen.
During this Advent, let your light of peace and love shine in our world. Give us eyes to see the signs of your presence in the world. Help us to prepare our lives and our homes to receive the One who said, “I am the light of the world.” Amen.
Loving God, make room in our hearts for people who need us. We thank you for friends and strangers who have received us when we were lonely, afraid, or tired. May we be ready to receive the love you offer us and have the courage to share that love with others through loving action. Amen
Gracious God, send us your grace this Advent Season so that we can prepare for your coming. Touch our hearts with longing so that we can better love and serve you and each other. Fill us with the hope that we can be transformed by your Spirit and so help transform the world. Give us the peace of knowing that you came to share our human life and redeem us for the sake of love. We ask these things in the name of Jesus whose kingdom we seek. Amen.
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